Preece Family History

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Preece Census strays in 1861 - by first name/initial - E only

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Name Census Place Cty Age Head of Household Relat Birth Place Cty
Edith M E Preece Greenwich St Alphege KEN 19 William Preece Daughter St Andrew Hubbard London MDX
Edward Preece Grendon Bishop HEF 33 Edward Preece Head Cheltenham GLS
Edward Preace Willenhall STS 28 Edward Preace Head Worthing? SAL
Edward Preece Mordiford HEF 3 Joseph Preece Son Dudley Woodside WOR
Edward Preece Hay BRE 22 John Rastall Serv Ludford? SAL
Edward Preece Redmarley Dabitot WOR 86 Edward Preece Head Upton Bishop HEF
Edward Preece Trewern MGY 51 Self Head Worthen SAL
Edward Preece Brockton MGY 5 William Preece Son Worthen SAL
Edward Preece Chetton SAL 46 Self Head Chetton WOR
Edward Preece Canon Pyon HEF 19 Ann Owens Lodg Hope ???
Edward Preece Wolverhampton STS 40 Self Head Edgbaston WAR
Edwd Preece Montgomery MGY 32 Self Head Worthen SAL
Edwin Preece Grendon Bishop HEF 8 Edward Preece Son Clains WOR
Edwin Preece Ludlow St Lawrence SAL 19 Ann Preece Son Astley WOR
Edwin Preece Hereford St Owen HEF 7 George Preece Son Llanelly BRE
Edwin Preece Castle Church STS 29 Walter Walker Bord Mitcheldean SAL
Elenor Preece Rowley Regis STS 71 James Preece Moth Wickton SAL
Eliza Preece Bishops Frome HEF 17 Thomas Abell Serv Clifton On Teme WOR
Eliza Preece Hay BRE 48 Thomas Preece Wife Herefordshire HEF
Eliza Prees Swansea GLA 31 William Prees Wife Llanwenarth MON
Eliza Preece Twigworth GLS 24 Benjamin Brunsdon Serv Allensmore HEF
Eliza Preece Harborne STS 15 Edward Preece Daughter Birmingham WAR
Eliza Preece Burford SAL 26 Thomas Preece Daughter Presteigne RAD
Eliza Preece Shifnal SAL 49 Thomas Preece Wife Highley STS
Eliza Preece Dorking KEN 38 William Preece Wife Taunton SOM
Eliza Preece Guildford St Mary KEN 16 Joseph Smith Vist Bedford MDX
Eliza Preece St Devereux HEF 28 Henry Fluck Serv Monmouthshire MON
Eliza Preece Lower Hopton MGY 8 John Preece Daughter Clun SAL
Eliza Preece Wormbridge HEF 28 John Preece Daughter Not Stated ???
Eliza Preece Dudley WOR 20 Robert Preece Wife Woodside STS
Eliza Preece Dudley WOR 40 Benjamin Preece Wife Rowley STS
Eliza Preece Bedminster SOM 30 William Preece Wife Bristol Temple GLS
Eliza Preece Tewkesbury GLS 29 Thomas Preece Wife Ireland IRL
Eliza Preece Worcester St Martin WOR 29 Thomas Preece Wife Herefordshire HEF
Eliza Preece Yatton HEF 39 James Preece Wife Not Known WOR
Eliza Sarah Preece Swindon WIL 28 John Hulme Preece Wife Airstle DEV
Elizabeth Preece Ross HEF 22 William Preece Wife Malmesbury WIL
Elizabeth Preece Ross HEF 14 Elizabeth Bennett Pupl Mitcheldean GLS
Elizabeth Preece Kingstone HEF 78 Samuel Macklin Lodg Llandilo MON
Elizabeth Preece Wolverhampton STS 13 Mary Lloyd Gdau Birmingham WAR
Elizabeth Preece Kingswinford STS 35 Samuel Preece Wife Claverley SAL
Elizabeth Preece Shrewsbury St Julian SAL 25 Lucy Peplow Serv Whitney HEF
Elizabeth Preece Kemerton GLS 43 Frederick Bennett Serv Yarpole HEF
Elizabeth Preece Weston RAD 53 James Preece Wife Hopton SAL
Elizabeth Preece Abergavenny MON 57 James Preece Wife St Peters HEF
Elizabeth Preece Stepney St Dunstan MDX 42 Mary Ann Wright Bord Worcester WOR
Elizabeth Preece Wolverhampton STS 36 James Preece Wife Newport SAL
Elizabeth Priece Kidderminster WOR 70 John Priece Wife Easow Gray WIL
Elizabeth Preece Bucknell SAL 29 John Preece Wife Bleddfa RAD
Elizabeth Preece Monmouth MON 25 Thomas Lewis Preece Wife Christchurch HAM
Elizabeth Preece Bridgnorth SAL 32 William Preece Wife Leominster HEF
Elizabeth Preece Bridgnorth SAL 56 William Preece Wife Herefordshire HEF
Elizabeth Preece Kidderminster WOR 7 Samuel Preece Neic Burton Upon Trent STS
Elizabeth Preece Bockleton WOR 14 John Preece Daughter Wacton HEF
Elizabeth Preece Hartlebury WOR 58 William Preece Wife Hing.....ton HEF
Elizabeth Preece Worcester St John WOR 15 William Preece Daughter Ledbury HEF
Elizabeth Preece Llangunllo RAD 46 John Preece Wife Dublin IRL
Elizabeth Preece Eastham WOR 56 Henry Brown Serv Diddlebury SAL
Elizabeth Preece Marden HEF 54 Samuel Preece Wife Newent GLS
Elizabeth Preece Eardisland HEF 22 George Yeld Serv Ashford SAL
Elizabeth Preece Bilston STS 48 James Preece Wife Melingriffith GLA
Elizabeth Preece Portsea HAM 7 Richard Preece Daughter Horshydan? ???
Elizabeth Preece Presteigne HEF 22 Edward Preece Daughter Presteigne RAD
Elizabeth Preece Pucklechurch GLS 5 William Preece Daughter Pucklechurch GLA
Elizabeth Preece Brockton MGY 12 Joseph Preece Daughter Worthen SAL
Elizabeth Preece Ludlow St Lawrence SAL 27 Richard Preece Wife Gloucester GLS
Elizabeth Preece Charlton Kings GLS 54 John Preece Wife Tewbury WOR
Elizabeth Preece Paddington MDX 30 Richard Ball Serv Hereford St Martin HEF
Elizabeth Preece Shrewsbury St Chad SAL 59 Joseph Preece Moth Forden MGY
Elizabeth Preece Birmingham St Luke WAR 61 Sophia Worsley Bord Credley HEF
Elizabeth Preece Easthope SAL 40 Edward Preece Wife Sherif Hails STS
Elizabeth Preece St Marylebone MDX 31 James B Preece Wife Bristol SOM
Elizabeth Preece Wolverhampton STS 61 Thomas Preece Wife Bewdley WOR
Elizabeth Preece Goytrey MON 33 Elizabeth Lloyd Daul St Tudy GLS
Elizabeth Preece Leinthall Starkes HEF 24 Charles Preece Wife Clunbury SAL
Elizabeth Preece Harborne STS 34 Charles Preece Wife Sutton WAR
Elizabeth Preece Clifton GLS 23 John M Mason? Serv Hereford BRE
Elizabeth Preece Tarrington HEF 45 Charles Kings Niec Westminster LND
Elizabeth Preece Kidderminster WOR 22 William Maniffee? Serv Clehonger HEF
Elizabeth Preece Lea Bailey(?) gls 77 John Hackett Bord Walford HEF
Elizabeth Preece Cheltenham GLS 46 Charles Preece Wife Ledbury HEF
Elizabeth Preece Chiswick MDX 30 John Bayand? Serv Ledbury HEF
Elizabeth Preece St Pancras MDX 27 Henry Preece Wife Oxford OXF
Elizabeth Preece St Pancras MDX 4 Henry Preece Daughter Oxford OXF
Elizabeth Preece Bedstone SAL 4 William Preece Daughter Norton RAD
Elizabeth Preece Ashford Bowdler SAL 58 Richard Preece Wife South Wales WLS
Elizabeth Preece Longdon WOR 29 Thomas Henry Johnston Serv Herefordshire HEF
Elizabeth Preece Rowley Regis STS 30 Thomas Chs Smyth Serv Bromyard HEF
Elizabeth Prees Llanllechid CAE 45 Robert Prees Wife Llanbeulan AGY
Elizabeth Preece Acton Beauchamp WOR 59 James Preece Wife Cradley HEF
Elizabeth Preece Ross HEF 16 William Preece Daughter Abenhall GLS
Elizabeth Preece St George Hanover Square MDX 51 Robert Jamieson Bord Monkland HEF
Elizabeth Preece Hereford St Owen HEF 39 George Preece Wife Blandford MON
Elizabeth Preece Letton And Newton And Watford RAD 7 George Preece Daughter Acton Scott SAL
Elizabeth Preece Monmouth MON 81 William Davis(?) Bord Coleford GLS
Elizabeth Preece Little Birch HEF 60 Thomas Preece Lodg Radnorshire RAD
Elizabeth M Preece South Hackney MDX 31 James E Preece Wife Luckley WOR
Elizabeth T Preece Leominster HEF 14 Thomas Preece Daughter St Maughans MON
Elizabeth W Preece Sedgley STS 45 James Preece Wife Hay HEF
Elizabeth Watts Preece Hanbury WOR 5 James Preece Gdau Birmingham WAR
Elizah Preece Edgbaston WAR 46 John Preece Wife Buckley WOR
Elizth Preece Weston RAD 11 James Preece Daughter Stowe SAL
Elizth Preece Ludlow St Lawrence SAL 16 Ann Preece Daughter Astley WOR
Elizth Preece Churchstoke MGY 40 Isaack Preece Wife Mainstone SAL
Elizth Preece West Ham ESS 13 Henry Preece Daughter Bethl Green MDX
Elizth Preece Birmingham St Thomas WAR 18 George Preece Sist Northfield WOR
Ellen Preece Llansaintffraid MGY 21 Edward Robinson Serv Shropshire SAL
Ellen Preece Cheltenham GLS 12 Anne Preece Daughter London MDX
Ellen Preece Birmingham St Thomas WAR 10w George Preece Sist Birmingham WOR
Ellen Preece Brilley HEF 44 James Preece Wife Clyro RAD
Ellen Preece Wolverhampton STS 5 John Preece Daughter Leominster HEF
Ellen Preece Ludlow St Lawrence SAL 5 Samuel Jones Vist Brimfield HEF
Ellen Preece Bedstone SAL 27 William Preece Wife Norton RAD
Ellen Preece Weston Super Mare SOM 7 John Preece Daughter West Canada CAN
Ellen Preece Belbroughton WOR 18 James Preece Daughter Hampton Bishop HEF
Ellen Preece Ross HEF 18 William Preece Daughter Abenhall GLS
Ellen Preece Birmingham St Mary WAR 24 Henry Preece Wife Wolverhampton STS
Ellenor Preece Newland GLS 30 George Preece Wife Presteigne RAD
Emanual Preece Monmouth MON 28 Self Head Gear Hill SOM
Emily Preece Bedfont BRK 21 Thomas Preece Daughter Stanwell MDX
Emily Preece Wolverhampton STS 19 Joseph Preece Daughter Stapenhill DBY
Emily Preece Callow HEF 7 William Preece Daughter Llanover MON
Emily Preece Weston Super Mare SOM 31 John Preece Wife London MDX
Emily Preece Dorking KEN 6 George Preece Daughter Dorking SRY
Emily Preece Monmouth MON 9 Charles Jackson Niec Llangarron HEF
Emily Preece Aberystruth MON 13 Wm Preece Daughter Herefordshire HEF
Emily Preece Orleton HEF 3 William Preece Daughter Aston Botterell SAL
Emily Preece Wolverhampton STS 7 John Preece Daughter Leominster HEF
Emily Amelia Preece Cambridge St Andrew The Less CAM 18 John Woodcock Lodg East Indies British Subject EIN
Emily Jane Preece Bedstone SAL 2 William Preece Daughter Wigmore HEF
Emma Preece Kinfare STS 30 Thomas Preece Wife Lingen HEF
Emma Preece Lower Mitton WOR 62 Joseph Preece Wife Madeley SAL
Emma Preece Somerset St Mary MDX 6 Joseph Strange? Daughter London LND
Emma Preece Hereford St Martin HEF 18 William Holmes Niec Hereford St Martin WOR
Emma Preece Aston WAR 36 Charles Preece Wife Wellington SAL
Emma Preece St Pancras MDX 26 William Preece Wife Herefordshire HEF
Emma Preece Shadwell SAL 11 George Preece Daughter Aymestrey HEF
Emma Preece Hereford St Owen HEF 26 Alfred Preece Wife Ludlow SAL
Emma Preece Pensnett STS 35 James Preece Wife Wombridge SAL
Emma Preece Brockton MGY 3 Joseph Preece Daughter Worthen SAL
Emma Preece Rowington MGY 18 William Preece Daughter Chirbury SAL
Emma Preece Byton HEF 7 Richard Preece Daughter Wem SAL
Emma Preece Pucklechurch GLS 16 Mary Preece Sist Pucklechurch GLA
Emma Preece Tenbury WOR 17 Joseph Oliver Vist Bromyard HEF
Emma Preece Kingswinford STS 35 James Preece Wife Whombuy? SAL
Emma Preece West Bromwich STS 28 Joseph Preece Wife Park Gate YKS
Emma Preece Brampton Bryan HEF 9 Thomas Preece Daughter Clungunford SAL
Emma Preece Wolferlow HEF 29 John Preece Wife Burford SAL
Emma Preece Shelton STS 31 John Preece Wife Bewdley WOR
Emma Louisa Preece Cleobury Mortimer SAL 17 Alexander Preece Daughter Bobbington STS
Enos Preece East Dean GLS 35 Enos Preece Head Upton Bishop HEF
Esther Preece Upton Bishop HEF 20 John Preece Wife Lidenook GLS
Esther Preece Llangan